Internals of GCC

 Only after listening to the podcast "Internals of GCC" by Software Engineering Radio with Morgan Deters is that I was able to understand on a more deep and complex way how a compiler works as well as it's layers.

One of the most interesting parts is the fact that Deters explains the importance behind of a compiler, and the fact that the compiler is like the background of everything we know today, without a compiler performing in an optimal way almost nothing would work at all, the efficiency of the compiler is one of the most important things on any programming language, due to the fact that it allows things to run fast and good even though almost no one gives the deserved interest to the subject.

Another part that he explains is the layers of the compiler, and how a plain text is read, after that how the text needs to be understood and finally analyze the semantics, he also explains what happens in each layer, overall, he explains the general functionality, from top to down.

Something that caught my attention is the fact that the essence of a compiler will always be similar despite of the language that one can choose to develop it, and also, as we go deeper in the compiler it is clear that the code becomes optimal, this in order to work as a 'filter' of everything else that is not really needed in the compiler.

Overall, I do believe it was a very interesting podcast that allowed me to understand the functionality behind each layer in the compiler, I also find interesting how he said Java is probably the ideal language for the compiler (even above C#)


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